Mat Designs
• Utilities • Pipeline • Construction • Logging • Oil Field Services
All Mats Made of 100% Oak
Deck Mats
4”x8’x12’, 14’, or 16’
4”x10’x12’, 14’, or 16’
Weight: mat averages 1600 lbs.
Track Width: 96”, 120”, or 144” to 192”
Uses: roads with turns, logging ditches, beach area
Road/Log Mats
4”x10’x12’, 14’, or 16’
Weight: mat averages 1500 lbs.
Track Width: 96”
Uses: fields, sandy, muddy roads, straight roads or roads with slight turns
Construction/Laminated Mats
6”x8’x12’, 14’, or 16’
6”x10’x12’, 14’, or 16’
Weight: mat averages 3500 lbs.
Track Width: 96”, 120”, or 144” to 192”
Uses: roads with turns, swampy, marsh area, tundra, logging decks, helicopter pads, stabilization pads and roads for equipment weighing 50 tons
Bridge/Timber Mats
Dimensions: 4′ widths, 8″x 8″ or 12″ x 12″ timbers
10′ to 28′ lengths
Track width: 48”
Carolina Mat Incorporated
Drop us a line anytime, and our corporate office will respond to you as soon as possible.
North Carolina Corporate Office, 193 Hwy 149 N, Plymouth, North Carolina
Office: (252) 793-4045 / Sales: (252) 793-1111 /